The Queen’s 90th Birthday Celebration took place alongside the Royal Windsor Horse show in the private grounds of Windsor Castle. Over 90 minutes, 900 horses, 1,500 participants and a supporting crew of over 500 from around the United Kingdom and the World descended on Windsor to perform in an awe-inspiring and joyful event for The Queen.
HGEP provided production and site management services to H Power, the overall event organisers, in the form of site and technical planning and on site management as well as providing the linch pin between host broadcaster ITV and H Power.
The 90-year journey took a live arena audience of 6000 that included 2 heads of state and all of the senior Royal family on an emotional journey from the excitement of the birth, through to World War Two, her marriage, the coronation and a reign of more than 60 years. The Celebration used horses from around the world, other animals including, dogs and cows from Royal estates, representatives from all three of the armed services, actors, pop stars and dancers to tell the story. The event was also seen by over 7 million in their homes as ITV broadcast the event Live and a further 5000 watched on the Long Walk via a live big screen relay.